City Green

City Green
But I can already see City Hall from Rt. 9.
With a $15M plus price tag, the “City Green” is aptly named. The idea to better integrate city hall with Canton Street has merit, but there are a few things that are troubling. First, there is the question of respect for not only memorials honoring our fallen, but also for the beautiful trees, that we seem to be losing around town at an alarming rate.

And if we, all of us, decide that we should spend that kind of money, where do we get the cash? Bond referendum? City reserves? After all we already have a great Town Square which right now needs some care and attention. Or are we just into the “If you build it, they will come” mode of spending money?

Resources: City Green Project http://tinyurl.com/h2rbee6

Commercial Corridor Development

Commercial Corridor Development
Potential Unmet. Promises Unkept.

Commercial Corridor Development
Mixed-use is not a few townhouses next to a big box. The future of retail is very different than the suburban strip mall, and the brick and mortar model is evolving. It's all about the in-store experience, not just the shopping opportunity. Over the last 50 years, retail space has grown much faster than retail sales. Too much, too far apart. And clear-cutting virgin land is much easier than adaptive reuse. But there are opportunities.

In the mixed-use equation, we are heavy on residential, retail, but what we lack is office – business. We need to shape our zoning to incent owners of commercial spaces to attract class A office tenants, and recondition or repurpose retail space for something other than multi-family residential.

We need active economic development: a pipeline of businesses that we prospect on a regular basis, a business retention program, so we have more time than a month before a major store closing.

We need to think outside the box. Healthcare is one of our strongest industries, bio-tech companies could be a good fit. The “campus” model of small related businesses has had success. We are the home of so many innovative restaurants – a culinary or food services campus could be a good fit.

Resources: I authored Roswell's 'Big Box Ordinance' that protects neighborhoods from large retailers who want to abandon their “mega” stores to move across town into newer digs.

I co-authored Roswell's Master Planned Mixed-Use Ordinance.

Mimosa Hall

Mimosa Hall
Mimosa Hall: GA Trust 2017 Places in Peril
The proposed sale and development of historic Mimosa Hall has again motivated many of us to discover our past to gain insight into our future. The city needs to take an active role in preserving our history and that should include the protection and/or purchase of historic sites.

The new zoning code (UDC) has many character area altering aspects that are particularly harmful to our Historic District. Ironically, Roswell was truly a pioneer in the state of Georgia when we established our Historic District. Let’s fix the zoning code and put “preservation” back into our Historic Preservation Ordinance.

Resources: The Georgia Trust For Historic Preservation 2017 Places in Peril Mimosa Hall http://tinyurl.com/jot2og9

Neighborhood Parks

Neighborhood Parks
“Nature is not a place to visit, it is home.” Gary Snyder
I am a fiscal conservative and I strongly believe “it’s your money”, something that the government should never forget. But an innovative use of taxpayer money is the purchase of land for neighborhood parks. The purchase of the Spruill property (back 20 acres) is a recent example. I and my co-author hiked the Seven Branches while we were writing Roswell’s Steep Slope Ordinance. Pocket parks by their nature are typically smaller, located adjacent to neighborhoods and often created on irregular plots of land.

Resources: I co-authored the Steep Slope Ordinance aimed at limiting damage from building too close to fragile landscapes.

I authored a major revision of the Tree Ordinance that tightened development standards in order to preserve our tree canopy.

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Vote April 18, 2017 for Lori Henry – Early Voting Begins April 10 - April 14
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Lori Henry Now lorihenrynow@gmail.com 770-847-0356