Many public servants are easily stamped with political labels. Not Lori Henry.

She is a leader who defies categories. Her unwavering focus is on the community’s needs, not a political agenda that benefits special interests, or herself.

Lori treasures working-class values like hard work, family, personal responsibility, fair-play and fiscal responsibility - because she was raised with them. Then she raised her own family with those precise values. She is truly one of us.

Very few people in the political arena can match Lori in community experience, business acumen (owner of a local business), public service (eight years on the Roswell City Council) and public policy expertise (five years teaching in Georgia’s public schools).

Lori Henry Family Values
Lori wrote Roswell’s “Big Box Ordinance,” which protects neighborhoods from large retailers who wanted to abandon their “mega” stores to move across town into newer digs. Those abandoned big boxes are devastating to property values in nearby neighborhoods, and Lori’s ordinance protects them by mandating the renovation and re-use of existing big box stores.

Lori also wrote an update to the Tree Ordinance that tightened development standards in order to preserve Roswell’s tree canopy. It’s one reason Roswell was regularly cited as one of Georgia’s greenest cities. Lori also co-authored Steep Slopes Ordinance, aimed at limiting damage from building too close to fragile landscapes.

Lori Henry Working for You!
Lori is a hard-working fiscal conservative and considers the budgeting of your tax dollars one of the most important responsibilities of an elected official. Transparency is Lori’s watchword because it’s your money, something government should never forget.

Lori and her husband, Karl have been long time residents of Roswell, where they raised their now adult daughter, Scottie. Lori is the owner of a small business, H and B Promotional Products located near Roswell’s Historic District. Lori moved to Roswell as a young adult with her parents, who lived in Martin’s Landing for over 35 years. Lori is a graduate of Ohio State University and began her career as a Cobb County public school teacher.

Lori has spoken to numerous groups throughout the state including the City/County Managers Association, the Georgia Planning Association, and the Atlanta Regional Commission’s Community Planning Academy as an authority on redevelopment issues facing suburban communities.

It's Your Money
Vote April 18, 2017 for Lori Henry – Early Voting Begins April 10 - April 14
See Lori Henry in action!

Lori Henry Now lorihenrynow@gmail.com 770-847-0356